From Concept to Consumer: A.I. Product Development Tool

Design Cycle iQ© is an suite of digital tools for Apparel and Accessory makers and suppliers created by expert technologists, providing easily implemented solutions that seamlessly digitize your concepts, patterns, and designs into market-ready products. Intuitive tools and collaborative features replace and streamline traditional, labor-intensive, frustrating methods. DCiQ© harmonizes apparel creation through every stage of product development and beyond. 

DCiQ Apparel Blueprint©
Transforming the antiquated design and product development process into a dynamic and intelligent system.
More than a pretty picture, our Intelligent Tech Pack uses AI-guided data capture coupled with  DCiQ Taxonomy© to flow seamlessly from ideation through materialization into commercialization.

iQ Marketplace©
THE authoritative hub for accurate Digital Apparel Assets; A 3D image-driven center for any component required to build a production-ready product
iQ Marketplace© ensures all digital products are true reproductions of their physical components. From anoraks to zippers, brocade to bows,  belts to zippers 3D interoperable items/images, all that is required to build a production-ready product lives here.

Product Cycle iQ© A new kind of PLM system that operates as a dynamic, explosive life force, replacing redundancy & radically transforming the Apparel development pipeline.
The Product Cycle iQ© platform connects your product data with interoperable, manufacturing efficiencies via an intuitive user experience. PCiQ©'s authoritative foundation of industry best practices enables the design's data to be collected and integrated visibly across the entire supply chain.

DCiQ Consulting© Executes your pathway to operational excellence
DCiQ©'s team of industry experts will, upon request, deliver strategic and tactical implementation advice & actions for any and all of Ratava's suite of solutions.


Software: Structural Design, Modeling, Simulation, Emulation, Database and File Management/Data Structures

User Interface: Display, Systems

Image Data Processing or Generation: Methods, Apparatus, Processor Architecture

Electrical Digital Data Processing: Methods, Apparatus

Data Processing: Algorithms, Process, System

Methods and Processes: Modeling, Simulation